Scroll to get your Thanksgiving catering by November 18th! Pickup November 22nd!
Scroll to get your Thanksgiving catering by November 18th! Pickup November 22nd!
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Pricing is for groups of 10 or more. There is an additional added fee of $5 per guest for groups under 10. Pricing is for drop-off service only. To include setup and service, please see the pricing below.
Wire chafing tray +$15 per and Formal chafing tray setup +$25 per. Each includes chafer, fuel, serving utensils, and water tray
Includes sandwich with chips, bottled beverage, and a sweet treat! Also, condiments, flatware, and napkins.
Salad or soup, 1 entree, 2 sides, bread or dessert
Salad or soup, 2 entrees, 2 sides, bread, and dessert
Salad or soup, 2 entrees, 3 sides, bread, and dessert
Salad or soup, 3 entrees, 3 sides, bread, dessert, and 1 batched cocktail per guest
Elevated plastic or china. Includes plate, bowl, fork/spoon/knife, napkin, and cup
Water, Iced tea, lemonade, or soda varieties
Menu is customizable
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